Thursday, August 10, 2023

Observations - Nothing is Easy

 I want to open this Blog with something I wrote on Facebook a couple years back. Or least this is based on something I wrote.

Consider for a moment, that nothing in this world is easy. Nothing. Not even breathing is easy. Certainly there are plenty of things that are easy for some people, but my challenge to all of humanity is to name me something that is easy for absolutely everyone on the planet to do, without exception.

I bet people couldn't name a single thing...or if they did, i bet I could prove them wrong.

Consider, also, how often a very well-meaning person tries to help another by beginning their statement with "Well, it's easy."

I've used this phrase myself plenty of times in my life when offering my help to someone and it wasn't until more recent years that it occurred to me that, well-meaning though I am, it's not really the best phrase to open with. After all, if it were easy, the person I'm helping wouldn't need help in the first place.

We say it often because we wish to be encouraging and to suggest that it could be easy once properly learned, but remember that anything one person finds easy, another may not. It's also entirely possible that they never will.

This is something that applies to everything, and I do mean everything.

IT work, accounting, heart surgery, retail sales, fast food work, being an astronaut, join the military, thinking guns are good, thinking guns are evil, political positions, having religious beliefs, being an atheist, supporting one person over another, shopping at a grocery store, deciding how many days of food you need to buy, creating a budget, driving a car, buying a car, maintaining a car, living a life without a car, deciding what you want to do for lunch, deciding if you want to go movies, to the mall, or just walk around the block, hanging out with friends, making friends, using correct social labels, understanding what such labels even mean, using correct gender pronouns, talking to people, talking to strangers, talking to people you know, leaving the house, picking up a piece of trash on the street, picking one up in your own home, taking care of basic hygiene, waking up in the morning, choosing the right clothes to wear, deciding what to do on a lazy Sunday afternoon...
"Well, it's easy" can not be applied to any aspect of human existence no matter how simple it might seem. What is easy to one is not always easy to others no matter how simple it seems. 

Try to consider this when dealing with others. Consider that what is easy for you may not be easy for them. Perhaps it will become easy with time, or perhaps it never will be easy for them. We're all different people with our own strengths, our own weaknesses. These aspects, by themselves, don't make a person good or bad. It just makes them human.

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